Transport Management

Enhance student safety, Tracking vehicle status and Collect transportation fees
Student’s safety is the topmost priority of educational institute. With school bus transport management module, the parents and school staff members can easily track the vehicle location while the students are traveling from home to school or vice-versa. In a centralized place, staff can maintain vehicle records, easily keep a track on transport expenses, and streamline the bus fees collection process.

Features of Transport Management System

  • Plan and manage your entire transportation operation.

  • Enhance the safety and security of the driver and students.

  • Learn more about School Bus GPS Integration in TECH RELEVANT Mobile App.

  • Assign bus routes to students and employees based on the availability of seats.

  • Add new routes and eliminate the redundant one. Routes and Stops can be created Academic year wise.

  • Fee collections can be scheduled to collect transport fees. Generate receipt along with academic fees.

  • Send instant alert to parents in case of route change.

  • Custom fields can be added to record any additional information.

  • Define vehicle routes with different pickup/drop routes for every student.

  • Fare collection can be collected stop based or a flat amount irrespective of the stop.

  • Maintain vehicle information such as routing and stops, student allotment, fees details, fuel expense, repair info, license renewal, pollution check certification, and more.


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